March 11, 2025

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Object Oriented Analysis and Design
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Object Oriented Analysis and Design Question and Answers

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Q1. The a subiectivue question hance you have to write your answer in the Text-Field given belowAssume you’re working for ABC Software Company Ltd as a Design Engineer, Your Company will receive as order to develop a mobile application for XYZ Restaurant Aggregator, your project manager will assign you to draw a Use case diagram, Sequence diagram, and Activity diagram for developing a food delivery mobile application.

Draw the above diagrams with description assigned by your project manager.

(Diagram should to drawn with pen on a paper and should uploaded a scan copy of answer paper)




Q2.This is subjective question, hence you have to write your answer in the Text-Field given below

A] An Surprise exam for the students have planned by the Professor, and this information is informed to the students. After the nobilication, Professor prepares the question paper and makes enough number of copies with the help of an Office Staff. Then the questions are forwarded to the students. After the completion of writing the answers, the students are returning the answer scripts. The answer scripts are evaluated by Teaching Assistants who are provided with the question paper and its solution. After the evaluation of answer scripts, the instructor records the marks of the

students and returns all the answer scripts. Draw the collaboration diagram with pen on a paper for the above given description, and should uploaded a scan copy of answer paper. booking checkin. Tour guides have permission to do will allows group booking checkin and individual supposed to do individual checkin. There is also baggage checkin supported by the system.

B] The software of an XYZ airline company group checkin. Normal passengers are also supports security screening of passengers. You need to identify the actors and the use cases Draw the use case diagram, try to make (Diagram should to drawn with pen on use of <<include>> and <<extend>> relationship wherever it applies. a paper and should uploaded a scan copy of answer paper


A] Collaboration Diagram for Surprise Exam


  • Professor
  • Office Staff
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Students


  1. Professor plans surprise exam:

    • Professor decides to administer a surprise exam to the students.
  2. Professor informs students:

    • Professor informs the students about the upcoming surprise exam.
  3. Professor prepares question paper:

    • Professor creates the question paper for the surprise exam.
  4. Office Staff assists in making copies:

    • Office Staff helps Professor make multiple copies of the question paper.
  5. Professor distributes question papers:

    • Professor distributes the question papers to the students.
  6. Students write answers:

    • Students receive the question papers and start writing their answers.
  7. Students return answer scripts:

    • Students complete the exam and return their answer scripts to the Professor.
  8. Professor distributes answer scripts to Teaching Assistants:

    • Professor provides the answer scripts and the corresponding question paper and solution to the Teaching Assistants.
  9. Teaching Assistants evaluate answer scripts:

    • Teaching Assistants evaluate the students’ answer scripts based on the provided question paper and solution.
  10. Professor records marks:

  • Professor records the marks obtained by each student in the exam.
  1. Professor returns answer scripts:
  • Professor returns the evaluated answer scripts to the students.

Sequence of Interactions:

  1. Professor -> Students: Inform about surprise exam

  2. Professor -> Office Staff: Request assistance in making copies

  3. Professor -> Students: Distribute question papers

  4. Students -> Professor: Return answer scripts

  5. Professor -> Teaching Assistants: Distribute answer scripts, question paper, and solution

  6. Teaching Assistants -> Professor: Return evaluated answer scripts

  7. Professor -> Students: Return evaluated answer scripts

Collaboration Diagram:

Professor --> Students: Inform about surprise exam
Professor --> Office Staff: Request assistance in making copies
Professor --> Students: Distribute question papers
Students --> Professor: Return answer scripts
Professor --> Teaching Assistants: Distribute answer scripts, question paper, and solution
Teaching Assistants --> Professor: Return evaluated answer scripts
Professor --> Students: Return evaluated answer scripts


B] Actors:

  • Tour Guide: A tour guide is responsible for managing a group of passengers. They have permission to do group checkin for their passengers.
  • Normal Passenger: A normal passenger is a passenger who is not traveling with a tour group. They are responsible for doing individual checkin for themselves.

Use Cases:

  • Group Checkin (<<include>> Individual Checkin): A tour guide can check in all of their passengers at once using this use case. This use case includes the Individual Checkin use case.
  • Individual Checkin: A normal passenger can check in for their flight using this use case.
  • Baggage Checkin: A passenger can check in their baggage using this use case.
  • Security Screening: A passenger must pass through security screening before boarding their flight.

Use Case Diagram:

                                                                Individual Checkin
                                                                |   Group    |
                                                                |  Checkin  |
                                           |                                         |
                                           |                                         |
                                           |  XYZ Airline Company Software  |
                                           |                                         |
                                           |                                         |
                                                |   Baggage |
                                                |  Checkin  |
                                                        |   Security|
                                                        |  Screening|
                                                                |   Normal   |
                                                                | Passenger  |
                                                                  |   Tour    |
                                                                  |  Guide   |


  • The Group Checkin use case includes the Individual Checkin use case. This means that the Group Checkin use case performs all of the steps of the Individual Checkin use case for each passenger in the group.
  • The Group Checkin use case is an extension of the Individual Checkin use case. This means that the Group Checkin use case can only be performed if the Individual Checkin use case has already been performed.

Q3.This is a subjective question, hence you have to write your answer in the Text-Field given below

A) Discuss in detail all the important components of Use case diagram with example. appointment.

B) In a business the new clients are called for a meeting. The meeting process contains the following sequence of activities

05 Marks)

(i) A salesperson calls the client and

(ii) If the appointment is onsite (in the consulting firm’s office), corporate technicians prepare conference room for a presentation

(iii) If the appointment is offsite (at the client’s office), a consultant prepares a presentation on a laptop

(iv) The consultant and the salesperson meet with the client at the agreed-upon location and time.

(v) The salesperson follows up with a letter

statement of a problem, the consultant create a proposal and sends it to the client.

(VI) If the meeting has resulted in a Draw the Activity diagram for the above process and convert it into Swim lane diagram.

Diagram should to drawn with pen on a paper and should uploaded a scan copy of answer paper)


A] Use Case Diagram Components:

  1. Actors: Represent entities external to the system that interact with it. Examples could be users or external systems.
  2. Use Cases: Depict specific functionality or behavior of the system. They represent the system’s features from the user’s perspective.
  3. Relationships (Associations): Show connections between actors and use cases. Associations indicate which actors are involved in a particular use case.
  4. System Boundary (Box): Defines the scope of the system, separating it from the external environment.


  • Actor: Customer
  • Use Cases: Place Order, View Product Catalog, Make Payment
  • Associations: Customer interacts with Place Order and Make Payment

B] Activity Diagram:


Swim Lane Diagram:







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