March 11, 2025

Network Programming

Network Programming
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Network Programming Question and Answers

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Q1.Write a program to implement fulI duplex communication between parent and child process using pipes

Q2.A user starts 3 different programs simultaneously in Linux/Unix operating system. How are the tasks that are started simultaneously handled with respect to processor and memory? Explain you answer with proper explanation of concept for Linux/Unix operating system?


In a Linux/Unix operating system, when a user starts three different programs simultaneously, the operating system employs a multitasking approach to handle these tasks efficiently.

  1. Processor Handling:
    • Time-sharing (or multitasking): The operating system allocates CPU time to each program in small time slices. This allows the illusion of parallel execution, even though only one program is executing at any given moment.
    • Scheduler: Linux/Unix systems use a scheduler to manage the order in which processes are executed. The scheduler determines which process gets CPU time, and this decision is based on priority, time slices, and other factors.
  2. Memory Handling:
    • Virtual Memory: Each program is allocated virtual memory, and the operating system handles the mapping of virtual addresses to physical addresses. This allows programs to use more memory than physically available by utilizing disk space as an extension.
    • Memory Management Unit (MMU): The MMU translates virtual addresses to physical addresses and helps in enforcing memory protection by assigning different regions of memory for code, data, and stack.
    • Swapping: If the physical memory becomes insufficient, the operating system may swap out portions of a program’s data to disk, freeing up space in RAM for other programs. When needed, the swapped-out data is brought back into memory.
  3. Concurrency:
    • Processes and Threads: Programs are typically divided into processes, each with its own memory space. Processes can further contain multiple threads, which can execute independently within the process.
    • Parallelism: While true parallelism depends on the number of physical CPU cores, the operating system efficiently manages multiple processes and threads to provide a sense of parallel execution.

In summary, Linux/Unix operating systems handle tasks simultaneously through multitasking, time-sharing, a sophisticated scheduler, virtual memory, memory management units, and techniques like swapping. These mechanisms ensure efficient utilization of processor resources and effective management of memory for concurrent tasks.

Q3.We have a producer and consumer process in the Message Queue. Write a consumer process program with following conditions – a) Message queue should be created if it does not exist.
b) Also display the message on terminal that is read from the Message Queue.
c) Delete the queue after reading the message

import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import time
import errno
import ctypes

# Function to create or get the message queue
def get_message_queue():
# Try to get the existing message queue
message_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
except OSError as e:
# If the message queue doesn’t exist, create it
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
message_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
# Propagate other OSError
return message_queue

# Producer process function
def producer(message_queue):
# Simulate producing a message
message = “Hello from the producer!”

# Put the message in the queue

# Consumer process function
def consumer(message_queue):
# Read the message from the queue
message = message_queue.get()

# Display the message on the terminal
print(“Consumer received message:”, message)

# Delete the queue after reading the message
ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(ctypes.c_long(message_queue._reader.ident), ctypes.py_object(SystemExit))

if __name__ == “__main__”:
# Create or get the message queue
message_queue = get_message_queue()

# Create producer and consumer processes
producer_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=producer, args=(message_queue,))
consumer_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=consumer, args=(message_queue,))

# Start the processes

# Wait for the processes to finish

# Clean up the message queue resources

Q4.Write a program for a server that prints the message using named pipe from client as it receives whenever a client writes a positive value to a file and shuts down when the client writes a negative value.

Q5.Describe the impact of improper buffer flushing in file buffering system what challenges might arise due to inadequate of delayed buffer flushing?

ANSWER:- Improper buffer flushing in a file buffering system can lead to several challenges. When buffers are not flushed appropriately, data may not be written to the file when expected. This can result in:

  1. Data Loss: If a program terminates unexpectedly before buffers are flushed, unsaved data in the buffers may be lost, leading to incomplete or corrupted files.
  2. Inconsistency: In a multi-process or multi-threaded environment, improper flushing can cause inconsistencies when multiple processes try to access the same file concurrently. One process might read outdated data or partially written content.
  3. Performance Issues: Delayed buffer flushing can impact system performance. Accumulating large amounts of data in buffers before flushing may lead to increased memory usage and slower write operations.
  4. Resource Contentions: In scenarios with limited resources, like disk space, delayed flushing can cause contention. If buffers are not flushed in a timely manner, available resources might be depleted, affecting other processes or applications.
  5. Concurrency Challenges: In situations where multiple processes or threads write to the same file, delayed flushing may result in unpredictable interleaving of data, leading to race conditions and data corruption.

To mitigate these challenges, it’s crucial to implement proper buffer management strategies, including timely flushing and error handling mechanisms to ensure data integrity and system stability.

Q.6. Consider the ping command in the Linux binanes folder -rwsi-xr-x 1 root root 34424 Nov 15 2023 ping The owner and the group of the file is root. (The ping command needs to open a special socket and the kemel demands the root privilege). A normal user User1 in and issues the ping command at the shell prompt. Explain how this command would be handled by Linux

ANSWER:- When a normal user, such as User1, executes the ping command in the Linux shell, the following sequence of events typically occurs:

  1. User1 Initiates the Command:
    • User1 enters the ping command in the shell prompt.
  2. Command Search:
    • The shell searches for the ping command in directories listed in the PATH environment variable. Since the ping command is in a system binary directory, it is found.
  3. File Permissions Check:
    • The shell verifies that the user has the execute permission for the ping command. In this case, the file permissions are set to rwxr-xr-x, meaning the owner (root) has read, write, and execute permissions, while others have only read and execute permissions. User1 falls under the “others” category and has execute permission.
  4. Process Creation:
    • A new process is created to execute the ping command. This process inherits the permissions of the user who initiated it (User1).
  5. Kernel Interaction:
    • When ping is executed, it needs to interact with the kernel, specifically to open a special socket for sending and receiving ICMP packets. Since this operation requires root privileges and the ping command has the setuid bit (s) set, the kernel elevates the privileges of the ping process to those of the file owner (root) temporarily.
  6. Execution with Elevated Privileges:
    • The ping command is executed with temporarily elevated privileges, allowing it to perform operations that require root access.
  7. Socket Communication:
    • The ping command communicates with the kernel to open the necessary socket and sends ICMP packets as required for network testing.
  8. Privilege Drop:
    • After performing the privileged operations, the ping command drops its elevated privileges and continues executing with the original user’s permissions (User1).
  9. Command Completion:
    • The ping command completes its execution, and the shell returns to the user prompt.

This mechanism allows specific programs, like ping in this case, to perform tasks that require elevated privileges without granting unnecessary privileges to the entire program. The setuid bit facilitates this privilege elevation only for the necessary parts of the program’s execution.

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